FAQ: Is there something specific you'd like to know about porosity?

Let's talk about how hair porosity can affect the use of shampoo, oils, and conditioners:

1. **Shampoo:** Hair porosity can influence how quickly and deeply hair absorbs water and products. High-porosity hair may absorb water and shampoo quickly but can also lose moisture rapidly. Look for sulfate-free shampoos to avoid stripping natural oils from the hair. For low-porosity hair, using a clarifying shampoo occasionally can help remove buildup and allow better penetration of moisturizing products.

2. **Oils:** Hair porosity affects how oils are absorbed. High-porosity hair might readily absorb oils but also lose them quickly. Lightweight oils like argan or grapeseed can work well. Low-porosity hair might need more easily absorbed oils, such as jojoba oil. Applying oils to damp hair or using a warm towel wrap can help open the hair's cuticles and enhance absorption.

3. **Conditioners:** High-porosity hair benefits from rich, deep conditioners to help retain moisture. Leave-in conditioners can also provide ongoing water. For low-porosity hair, using lightweight conditioners or a technique like "baggying" (covering hair with a shower cap) after applying conditioner can aid in better absorption.

Remember that everyone's hair is unique, so it's essential to experiment and find the best products and routines for your specific hair type and porosity. If you need more clarification about your hair's porosity, a simple strand test can give you a better idea.